

yet may flower, this colonial
tax of six blackbirds
doubled dozen, wan the baker's

nailed to the meetinghouse
(calls break making house)
walls       a long side      broad sides
notices posed stings in decrease

the beekeeper's ghost
shows itself with bees

a spied her orbits its caught moth
caught moth a bobbin

thistle, bee bettor
(rags-to-riches & whatnot)
knot too (never last in)
pour poor water into fine wine

but drought keeps the plough in the back barn
marrow stripes the dog's bone
bland rhubarb blanches in a play dead pot,
steams stamps for saving

value svelte & dry to 
hide, the pelt (fort raid, horse
for use and afteruse

that that was
what it was

dead dogs strung and hung from hind legs
look like dead dogs strung from hind legs
(a less-kind look expected)

an heirloom pair
of black-handled scissors

breaks that whip

survives wharf air




Published under the name Jeanette Karhi in The Grove Review, 2008, Vol. 2, No. 2